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   Welcome to galleries.wizzard.com

The galleries were my first attempt at organizing this site...
and are sort of remnants of the past. I really haven't updated them for over a decade, but I still refer back to them from time to time.

   A remnant of old structure
The Old Galleries
Look around the site and find many more examples of the types of art that began in these pages.
Making art is the way I learn
 1.)  3D Images Before it was easy, I liked making 3D images.
 2.)  Design I call myself an artist, but I really enjoy design.
 3.)  Animation Very little in the gallery, but I've been animating things for 30 years.
 4.)  Illustration I love Illustrator-wish I was better with it!
 5.)  Sculpture My sculptures are bigger these days and often get burned.
 6.)  Photography I used to have my own darkroom and persued the art of photography. I use it more for archiving these days.
 7.)  Other Media The inevitable catch-all for everything else.

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Stuff piles up
after a while
wizzard's burning man favorites
made on a mac - currently from Campbell, California, USA  •   email wizzard